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Video: Community co-design on the RISE 

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July 2019

A pioneering initiative in Makassar, Indonesia is supporting communities to improve informal settlements through co-designed infrastructure programs. 


Taking a water-sensitive approach to infrastructure development in the Revitalization of Informal Settlements and their Environment (RISE) program has established spaces in which stakeholders, such as local residents, local authorities, and the project team, can meet, exchange ideas, and forge a common path to action and implementation.  


This approach is at the core of the RISE community engagement plan which is anchored on the principles of inclusion and diversity, systems thinking, empowerment, respect, and ‘Do No Harm’.  


Through an iterative process of co-design that began in 2018, the stakeholders are taking part in various consultations, workshops, and learning exchanges on community mapping, project design for the nature-based infrastructure, and project sustainability. One of the unique activities under the project consisted of young children sharing their community vision through drawings.  


Learn more about the RISE program’s work in Makassar by watching the video below. 


UCCRTF Secretariat 
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